It has, once again, been a busy summer for the band, with 8 bandstands / fetes / concerts performed in June – early September.
Preparing bandstand programmes is always a little tricky: you want a good balance of the fast and the slow; some traditional brass band music for the regulars and some more modern tunes for the passers-by; and something that the band enjoys too. And you have to get the right amount of music too, something I found notoriously tricky to begin with! From the first bandstand where I overcooked it and needed a couple of last-minute cuts, to the next where I way overshot on the correction and had to go folder-fishing for something else to add in… but we got there in the end.
Things quieten down a bit for the band – in terms of performances – for a couple of months now. That doesn’t mean that we won’t be keeping busy rehearsing though, as after our busy Remembrance Sunday we have a concert at High Cross Church for which we are busy preparing and rehearsing an extremely exciting programme. You can find out more about that concert here.
As you may have noticed, we have a new website up and running – so keep checking back for the latest updates. If you want to be e-mailed whenever we release new concert tickets you can sign up to our newsletter here.